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New Worlds of Creative Opportunity

I:I Orchestration

Each player performing their own unique part, in a way, is what happens with any typical orchestra or ensemble; but IO takes this individuality to a revolutionary dimension by making it possible to hear an orchestra of truly unique lines together in selective detail or aerial vastness. Because players and audience over extreme distances will have some sonic delay (much like a large concert hall), IO music can be approached from a non linear perspective. This creates a whole new palette for the composer to express on, and for the audience to explore. It is a chance to compose for each musician with an eye on the whole orchestra -individual leaves on a dancing, wind-blown tree.

Interactive Opus

Perhaps the most astounding aspect of IO compositions, however, is the new dimension opened up by each listener. IO revolutionizes the role of the audience by actively involving you throughout the opus, co-creating the composition in real time by using the IO app to shape the music as it plays.

Plein air Composition

The million movements of summer oak leaves in a pre-storm wind, the intersecting circles of raindrops on a secluded pond, or even the slow path of diamond-speckled grass blades illuminated by the first frosted sunrise, these are all scenes that reflect the profound sort of expression possible when composing for each instrument minutely to capture the grandeur of a scene. Music that takes its inspiration from the ordinary… everyday… momentous world around us… melodies that mingle together in untethered rhythms, tone-clouds and aleoratic waves of unified expression, composing to capture these simple moments made up of a million living things, that is one of the most compelling windows opened by IO.

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